Friday, February 28, 2014

February 23, 2014


It has been an amazing week! One filled with happiness, joy, excitement, and spiritually edifying experiences. One where I truly felt the joy of missionary work. This past week, I was reading in Alma 26 and the whole chapter just talks about their missionary experiences and how much joy they feel every day--- and that's truly what I've felt almost every day this week. Some were just simple instances, sharing a scripture in a lesson, and some where large, like R's baptism, but everyday there was something to smile about.
Wednesday, we had a CSP... we built a house! Well at least made the bamboo foundation. It was so fun! It doesn't look like we did too much because we didn't get too far, but it was fun. The most exciting part is when you a take a machete and clean off the sides of the bamboo poles. I have blisters just from doing it.

Then, on Saturday, we had R's Baptism. His whole conversion story is kind of miracle. The past couple of months, we've been teaching his family, and he hasn't ever shown too much interest. The past couple of weeks, his two little sisters have been coming to church, but he's always been too shy. Then, one Saturday we had FHE at their house to introduce him to the ward missionaries, and the following Sunday he came to church! At church, the young men seriously just welcomed him with open arms. They even had him sit with them up in the front where they pass the sacrament. The next day he couldn't stop talking about church, and we gave him a Book of Mormon in English because he was saying they all use English versions and he wants to get better at speaking it. The next night when we visited, he had a whole page of notes/translations/insights and even found slacks, a white shirt and tie to wear the following Sunday. And now, he's officially a member of the church. On Saturday at his baptism, there was so much support from the ward. The YSA gave a musical number that was so powerful, and we had several talks from members of the ward. It really was a spiritual experience and I have so much hope and love for R. He's going to be an amazing member and future missionary.

The past couple of weeks, I've realized that the key to any success in missionary work is the members. It's in the fellowshipping that makes anyone comfortable and welcome at church each Sunday. I love missionary work. I encourage you all to help the missionaries. It really is impossible without their help. Investigators and recent converts need, more than anything else, a friend if they ever want to progress. That's mostly the defining factor between our progressing and not progressing families and investigators. I love missionary work...and I love the Philippines. I miss you all, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I pray for you all every day, send my love to everyone!
Sister Fitzgerald

Building the foundation of a house with bamboo

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