Friday, February 28, 2014

January 26, 2014

Dear family,

This week has had its ups and downs, but mostly it was just filled with spiritual experiences, where I truly feel so blessed to be on a mission. Last week was one of the downs, but you know how they always say that no matter how many depressing, frustrating moments you have on the mission, you only remember the joys? Well that's what I'm experiencing. We have so many things that can just bog us down and make us feel inadequate, useless, unworthy, and I think last week I let that get the best of me, but this week I truly feel the peace, love, and joy that comes from missionary work.

Thursday we had zone training from President Lopez. It is different being in such a small zone and being the only sisters, but it was fun. Trainings always give me the spiritual pump and encouragement I need. They uplift you in a way where you just want to go out and find, teach, and baptize. But President Lopez did have us teach in front of everyone. It's always a little nerve-wracking, but overall, no big deal. In our interviews with him, he always has us practice teach in Ilonggo, so we did, and then afterwards he said he would call on us, so at least it wasn't a surprise

Our area is slowly progressing. We have a lot of investigators that could have a lot of potential. Sister Rey and I came to a conclusion yesterday that it really takes only one lesson to make a terrible day good. Just one lesson, or one investigators, or just one minute where you truly just feel the Spirit. It was like that in my last area with Sister Luke where we would spend our last appointment with T every night. It was like no matter what happened during the day, how hot or punted we were, we would forget all of it because of how great the lessons were. And I think that's how the mission experience overall will be. By the end of it, you don't remember the crazy, frustrating, depressing stuff that happens, but rather remember all the experiences that are hard to even describe because of how special or spiritual they were.

This past week, E and her son didn't get baptized.  We're waiting on permission from her husband. The whole situation is a little depressing because she's so ready, her testimony is so strong, and she wants to be baptized. So, now we're just waiting for him to have a change of heart. It's sad she can't at this moment, but we feel at peace about it because we know she's already converted. She's basically already a member of the church. She's just waiting for that one last step.

Life in Binalabagan is good. It's still been relatively cool. I haven't fallen through the bamboo bridge yet, and Sister Rey is so sweet. We have our ups and downs regarding missionary work, but who doesn't. Right now, we're on our ups. Yesterday, Elder Nobleza (who's in the Quorum of the Seventy but he lives in our ward) gave a talk and reshared the story of the pioneers that we watched last week at the area broadcast. He explained how the pioneers trek, the plain was flat for almost 300 miles, and then at the end when they were the most tired, fatigued, and exhausted, they had to climb that last mountain, the most treacherous part of the journey. He was saying how we've been on the flat plains for too long and now is the time to climb the mountains in our life. He was saying how the Lord requires us to, and how that's the only way for us to become holier men. I know that there will be many mountains in my life, but I guess the mission is the first one I'm experiencing, and I'm ready to climb it.

I love you all! Help the missionaries! I know you're trying, just do all that you can! Seriously, the best way is referrals. We talk to people all we want, but it's hard when there's no support from a member. There's a statistic that President Lopez gave us, I'm not sure if it's just from the Bacolod mission or worlwide, but 1 in every 8 referrals gets baptized. BUT only 1 in every 220ish gets baptized from street contacting. That just shows how vital members are in the work.

Send everyone my love!
Love always,

P.S. Thanks for sending my package! My shoes have officially died, the hole went up the side and now they're basically ripped in half. I'll send a picture once i have a camera again.

Zone Conference Pictures

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