Friday, February 28, 2014

February 16, 2014


Happy late Valentines Day! To celebrate, Sister Rey and I were just going to stop by the bakery downtown to get a piece of chocolate cake, but instead it was so much better because the Rasmussen's surprised us with a visit (!) and with them brought my package and mail! It feels like Christmas every time they come. And it was perfecting timing because the night before, my right shoe completely got torn apart and I had to wear the crocs I hate for a day, but because of the package, I now have shoes! Thank you so much for all the goodies, I love it all! and we may or may not have already gone through an entire bag of trail mix :) But the shoes are perfect, and the chocolate covered cinnamon bears are delicious, and Sister Rey loves her New Testament, so basically it was a perfect Valentines Day. And also, because they brought mail and with it included a letter from T. He had a picture of his baptism and wrote the sweetest letter about how grateful he is for Sister Luke and I for finding and teaching him. He said he feels so blessed to now be a member and how he'll never forget us. The whole day, all I could do was just smile.

And Sister Rey and I are still smiling because R is getting baptized this Saturday! He's only 15 but he's the most precious young man. Last week, we gave him a Book of Mormon in English and the next day he had an entire paper of questions, words he translated from Tagalog because he didn't understand. And yesterday, he surprised us by showing up at church in a white shirt and tie rather than his usual jeans and t-shirt. We're really excited for him because we can just see him as a future missionary, he's going to be an amazing member. We've been teaching his family, and his sister was originally supposed to be baptized this Saturday because she's been to church more times, but she's still a little unsure/shy and wants to wait, but R's desire was so obvious. We weren't sure if he would be able to because he hasn't been to church too many times, but since we felt like he's prepared enough, we got the approval! 

Other exciting news... or not so exciting news, it's now hot again. I'm back to sweating all day,--fabulous. And our water is now fixed!

A couple weeks ago when you sent the Deseret News I thought it was going to be about the new stake presidency but then I remembered you said not until February. That's exciting though about President Kasteler. I'm sure he'll be great.

I love you all! Sorry I don't have too much news to tell this week. Next week should be pretty exciting because we have a CSP this Wednesday (we're building a house supposedly!) and then R's baptism. Send everyone my love!

Sister Fitz

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