Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014


It's been such a good week, exhausting physically, but spiritually gratifying. Every day, Sister Rey and I have seen so many blessings and miracles. I was looking through my journal this morning and on Wednesday, the first sentence that I wrote was, "another day where all I felt was joy." That's truly what it felt like this past week. Of course there's moments that are frustrating and depressing, especially in the afternoons when nobody is home and it's hotter than ever, but somehow by the end of night, it's all good.

This Saturday, we have the baptism of J and the M couple (R & R). The story about R and R is kind of funny. So R was less active, he was baptized back in 1999 when he was still a youth or ysa, but after a couple of years fell away. But he's the neighbor and brother to Sister A, who are members (they're the family getting sealed in April). Five years ago, R and R got married and now they have a son. A couple of years ago, the missionaries tried teaching R but nothing ever came of it. But then we found her again, and she was preparing for her baptism. The past month, all three of them as a family have been coming to church, etc. and getting excited for her baptism. On Saturday, we went to the church so R could get interviewed to get the priesthood so he could baptize his wife. But, when we got there, the Bishop couldn't find his records. Turns out, that's the reason he left the church so many years ago, because they didn't have any records for him. So Bishop searched on the computer, found nothing. Usually when this happens, if they have the date he was baptized, or a photo, or a witness, it's okay. But since it was back in 1999, he doesn't remember the date, and the bishopric back then is no longer here. So R now has to get baptized and confirmed again, It was this long process, but instead of R baptizing R on Saturday, they'll both be baptized! It was so cute though, because this past week R has been memorizing the baptism ordinance sentence thing and he was so nervous, Every night when we visited he would be like "Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you..." but now he'll be baptized as well. I truly feel so blessed to have been able to teach them and help them strengthen their faith and testimony in the church. Yesterday, Brother R wore a white shirt and tie for the first time since returning to church, and he bore his testimony. Sister Rey and I might have teared up a little bit. They really are the sweetest family, He thanked us for helping him come back to church and for helping complete his family in the gospel. 

The Relief Society is going on a temple trip in April, so almost every week the past two months, we have talked about temple and family history work in RS. One thing I've never realized until the mission is the importance of family history work. I'm so excited to work on it when I get home from the mission. Here, it's such a prioriity because mostly everyone is converts so they have so many relatives and immediate family to do temple work for. For our family, it's a little bit harder, but there's still names of ancestors to find. I've been reading so many conference talks about it, etc. and I've realized that I've been missing out on one of the blessings available... and technically, it is a commandment. There's one talk I read from conference, I forgot who said it, but regarding family history work he said "Set aside those things in your life that don't really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences." More than ever, I miss the temple. I can't wait to go back. 

Overall, it was a really good week, and I finally got our Christmas card! The one year I'm not home, we actually make a Christmas card haha, but I loved it. Also, Sister Chipman wrote me a Christmas card that I got in the mail today.....I have a lot of letters to write people...

Sorry if my emails are so random, and poorly written. Time is so short but thank you for always writing! and for sending me goodies!

This past week we've been sharing about the stripling warriors how because of the example of their parents, they were strong in the faith. I can honestly say I'm here on the mission because of you. It's from the influence I've felt in our home growing up that I have the testimony I do now. I love you all.

Sister Fitzgerald

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