Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 15, 2014

Maayong Aga kag Happy Father's Day!

This week marks my one year mark in the mission! I still don't exactly comprehend it, nor do I understand how time has gone so quickly, but here I am with less than six months until I'm home! Crazy! This past week it was Sister Canimo's two months left on the mission mark, so I bought her the large halo-halo from Chowking rather than the regular. I don't know if I've mentioned halo-halo before but it's this dessert here that looks and sounds so gross, yet it's so delicious. 

Simply put, our week was great. I don't think I've ever been more tired, but it was good. (I might have fallen asleep for the first time twice this past week during our companionship prayer before we went to bed (that's how tired I was). We've definitely been busy! It's been zone conference this past week so we've driving home missionaries at night time around 9, and then this past weekend there was a companionship in the hospital and since the couples were out of town, we had to bring them food every day. Even today we're busy! We have our own zone conference this afternoon, but before that we get to take the elders home from the hospital, and this morning we stopped by the office to get the travel documents ready for an elder who was heading to Manila for his visa application. But we're finding time to email which is our favorite part of the day! But this week was great mostly because of V and T's baptism! One of the sweetest families I have ever met. V's faith and testimony is so strong and we've seen such a change in T as we've taught them. She carries her Book of Mormon everywhere with her and has the sweetest smile. They shared their testimonies after their baptism and of course I was just teary eyed. I feel so blessed to been able to teach them and help them learn of the gospel. M is V's daughter-in-law who's still waiting to get married before she can get baptized. Her husband hasn't been available at all to even talk to, but yesterday a small miracle happened! We went and visited them and to our surprise, M's husband was there! He actually sat down and listened for a couple minutes before he had to leave for work which he has never done in the past! And afterwards M said that he was thinking about going to church earlier that morning but he had work. M is more ready than all of them for baptism, but I guess Heavenly Father has a time and plan for her to be baptized. So in the meantime we'll do all that we can and have faith that she'll some day be able to follow as well along with her husband.

I love the mission and love knowing that I have six more months to serve! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers both for me and my investigators. I know it's making a difference and that Heavenly Father is watching over all of us.
Nahidlaw ko sa inyo tanan pero makitaay ta dugay dugay :)
Sister Fitzgerald

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