Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 18, 2013


So that past week has been really good. The language is coming slowly, but I'm understanding them more and more each day.  We're continuing to teach investigators and visit members in the ward. Sometimes they come to church, and sometimes they don't... the life of a missionary. What's a little sad is that one of our investigators, A, who is really sick, couldn't come to church yesterday because of his health. But he's reading the Book of Mormon which is always exciting, because that's when you know they're really becoming converted. 

So we had a couple days of downpouring rain, and then three days where I'm pretty sure I've never sweated as much as I have in my life. Especially one night when the power went out so we had no fan in our room.... I was so sweaty and it was so gross. But the other day, we were walking home and it had been raining all day. A jeepney drove by, and I was standing right by a puddle--pretty sure you can predict what happened. I got completely soaked by the side spray. Basically what only happens in movies happened to me. The funny thing is that Sister Bendoy just hid behind me so she didn't get wet at all! That probably won't be the last time that it will happen though. I also have a ton of mosquito bites... I tried counting them last night and then gave up. They love my ankles! They're just all around my feet and ankles... not my arms or legs. But I'm trying to be better at using the spray each day. I can't tell if it's actually working or not. When the packet says to bring stuff for 18 months, it's ridiculous. You seriously can find anything you need here. Pretty sure they have more options for shampoo, lotions, face wash, etc. than we do. 

Saturday night we had a Ward Fireside. It was a musical fireside and it's amazing how strongly you can feel the spirit through songs and hymns. 

I love you all! I love missionary work and am really excited to be here in the Philippines. Things are really good with my companion and we find things to be excited for each day. I think it was Thursday, and it was just one of those days where it was just so hot, and nobody was home, and we're walking home... and then we go and buy ice cream--turned into the best day. Definitely what was needed. But I miss you all! I love this gospel and it's amazing how much my testimony grows each day. It's funny because I'm supposed to be teaching others, but in the process I'm learning so much. 

Until next week!
Sister Fitzgerald

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