Thursday, October 2, 2014

September 28, 2014

Good morning and Merry Christmas!

Christmas trees are now officially up in every members' house that we visit! But we haven't starting singing Christmas hymns in sacrament yet, but hopefully soon!

We've have had a very busy week! Yesterday we had the precious little baptism of A, who's so tiny and cute. Her mom was a less active, but they're now all coming to church again!

The weeks just seem to fly by these days, and I struggle to just even think about what has happened this week to tell you. The new arrivals just came last week, so Sister Vaitohi and her batch are no longer the newbies in town. We had Sister Foote with us for a day this past week which was fun. Santa Fe was her first area, so she was able to visit all of her recent converts and former investigators. But weird to think that some of her recent converts aren't even recent converts anymore. They've graduated, being a member for over a year. People always ask how long you've been here, and now that I say over a year, it's weird. It really doesn't feel like I've been here for that long, but now it's been a year and two months already. Time truly flies and thinking about my limited time left just makes me sad. Bittersweet in its truest form.

We had some new investigators come to church this past week. They really have some potential.... except two of them need to get married before they can get baptized.... oh the joys and struggles of mission life. But I truly love missionary work! The most rewarding work I've ever experienced.

Sorry for the poorly written email. I promise to write more next week! love you all! and I'm so jealous that both of you spent a whole day in the temple!  Can we go there the weekend I get home?

Sister Fitzgerald

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