Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 5, 2014


Big news of the new year.... I got transferred! Which was actually quite sad because real transfers aren't for another two weeks so I thought I had two more weeks in my area, but we got the call Tuesday night... as in we were celebrating New Year Eve and instead we were all crying. But it's okay. I have my new companion, Sister Rey! She's adorable. She's in Sister Luke's batch so she has two weeks left of training. But our area is amazing! I'm in Binalbagan, about two hours away from Bacolod, and we're the only two sisters in our zone. Fun! But the city is actually really nice... big contrast from Bacolod.  The ward is so supportive in their missionary. I never realized how much of a difference that makes, but it does. The Bishop even came to teach with us this past week, and members give us referrals left and right. President Lopez always says to harness the power of the members, and now I understand why. I'm sad because G's baptism was this past Saturday and I missed it, and T's is next Saturday and I'll miss it, but all is well.

Anyways, this week has been a whirlwind. Tuesday and Wednesday we had to be home early for New Year's Eve because there's so many fireworks. At midnight is was sooo loud, crazy. Wednesday, we visited a few members, we had lunch at the M family, and then that night I packed up all my stuff :( and we might of cried a little bit too. Thursday morning, we went to the stake center, got my new companion, and then had follow-up training with President Lopez. Then the weekend has been spent visiting investigators, becoming familiar with the area, and getting to know Sister Rey. She's so sweet. It's just the two of us in our house so it's definitely quieter from what I'm used to, but our house is really nice. And our area is too. It's not that advanced--there's not even a super market.... or a laundry place... and they're actually strict regarding throwing your trash so it looks a lot nicer compared to the city. It's also kind of mountainy. This past week we crossed a river on a bridge made out of bamboo... scariest thing of my life.  I think it will be fun 

Send everyone my love!
Sister Fitz

Transfer Day

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