Wednesday, January 8, 2014

December 15, 2013


IN A LITTLE OVER A WEEK WE'LL BE SKYPING! I'm so excited! Especially because next week will be a full week of celebration. Next Monday, we have our zone training from the President at the mission home! Followed by our ward Christmas Party that night.. which technically we're not allowed to attend but since we have a part in the program, we're able to go, eat, and present, then leave. So we're still excited. And then, Tuesday is Christmas Eve and that's when we'll have our P-Day! We're trying to plan something really special!  Underneath the stairs, we have our "Christmas Cove" that's covered in tinsel, lights, and our Christmas tree with presents. So, we already decided to move our mattresses downstairs so we can sleep around our little Christmas tree that night while reading the Nativity story, and then open present Christmas morning before we skype you! So... we're really excited!
Speaking of T, he's amazing. We taught law of tithing this past week so the night before, we gave him the pamphlet to read about it before we taught him the next night. So then it's the next night, and we go and sit down, and before we even mentioned tithing, he was like "Who should I give my tithing to? and when?" It was seriously the cutest thing and he's basically our favorite part of the day. He's always our last appointment because he lives right by where we live, so matter how bad the day was, we end with him and we're happy :) But yesterday, we're sitting in church- I'm behind the piano, Sister Luke is up on the stand because she's chorister, and the Bishop is giving the opening announcements. Then Sister Luke looks at me and points to the back, and T is walking in... he bought a new outfit for church! Usually he just wears jeans and a t-shirt, but this week he bought khakis, a belt, and this plaid button-up shirt! Isn't he precious?! And then we're talking to the Elders, and they're like "How many investigators to you have today?" and we're like, "don't want to talk about it..." and then they're like "really, how many?" so then we're like, "fine, only one... T" but then they're like "oh that's okay, T basically counts for like 10."  So even they think he's amazing. He's seriously been a blessing and in the process of teaching him, we've truly seen how the gospel can completely change someone's life. In every aspect, he's truly accepting Christ's gospel and applying it to his life. His testimony is so strong, and I know he's going to an amazing church leader someday. 

In other sad news, Dean (ward missionary) is leaving us this week. Probably the most depressing news to ever hit our missionary life here in the Bacolod 2nd Ward. We are not sure how we'll survive without her... she's literally our best friend here in the Philippines. Even though she takes sneaky, ugly, photos of us, and makes fun our my accent, and tells the most terrible jokes... we still love her. And I would much rather be made fun of my accent every day, and have terrible photos taken of me every day, than have her leave. But, I also know that she has to go. She's such an amazing example to us, and she's going to be such an amazing missionary. But I will definitely miss her.

This week has been okay.... we've been punted quite a few days in the afternoons, but overall, by the end of the day, it's been good and we're happy. We have a lot of investigators that are excited, and preparing for baptism, but it's just still always a struggle to get them to come to church. But, we will succeed! We also have missionaries from other religions visiting all of our investigators... which makes it really difficult. Because most of the time, instead of teaching a lesson, we're answering all their questions and trying to explain this and that.

Yesterday, was another day full of miracles.  It all started when we took a shower, and the water was warm. WE HAD A HOT SHOWER! The past five months, I've accepted and have become accustomed to life here in the Philippines. I've even got to the point where I feel like this is just how life has always been. I've always taken cold showers, and I'm always smelly and sweaty, and ants all over the kitchen is completely normal, and that sleeping isn't possible unless the electric fan is on. BUT, then we have a morning when we go take and shower the water is warm, and I get a small glimpse of how life is back at home. And I remember, that showers are supposed to be warm, and that if ants are in your kitchen, you have a really big problem, and that most nights, you actually need a sheet or blanket to even stay warm and comfortable rather than have the fan on three. But don't get me wrong, I love the Philippines, and it really isn't that bad. It truly isn't. But, I did love that warm shower. Another miracle that happened yesterday, is that Brother and Sister G came to church! They're the elderly couple that have been less active for years.

Also, I have absolutely loved the envelopes! I may or may not have teared up while reading them... :) It's seriously the cutest thing, and probably took so much work to put together! I'm so excited to keep opening them and I have to force myself not open them all at once. I loved the pictures in them too because I've been meaning to ask for you to send some more pictures, but now I don't even need to!

 I love you all! Enjoy the Christmas season all together! Especially the cold weather, where you have the opportunity to wear scarves and boots! (those might be one of the top things I miss...) I love you all and pray for you everyday! Send everyone my love and I'll talk to you in nine days!!!

Sister Fitz

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