Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 3, 2013

Maayong Aga!

It has been such a good week! So spiritually inspiring and so fun. Every week I feel like I was just sitting at the computer writing you, and I know that I probably say that every time, but it's because it's true.

I officially completed my second week as a trainer! Sister Luke is seriously the most inspiring and courageous girl I know. Her batch didn't waste anytime in the MTC because I feel like she knows so much of the language already. She has such a great desire to just head out each day and talk to everyone which I truly admire. At times I feel a little overwhelmed, especially in lessons just because I'm afraid I'm not able to explain something clearly enough for them to truly understand the importance of our message. Especially because everyone in the Philippines already believes in Christ. They already accept him as our Savior and Redeemer and understand how He should be the center of our lives. And that's a blessing, because of course people want to hear a message about Christ, but it's also our struggle, because they think what they're doing now is already enough, that they're already following Christ's example in their life, and that their church and religion is what they need. And it's hard for them to accept or understand about the Restoration, and about Apostasy, and about Priesthood Power, and I feel like maybe they're not fully comprehending that aspect because I'm not teaching it effectively enough. But I'm trying, and I know that what I lack as a trainer, as a teacher, and as a missionary, Heavenly Father will make up for it and help me strengthen those weaknesses that I have. 

On Friday, was Old Saint's Day (maybe Old Soul's Day.... not exactly sure) but all missionaries had the opportunity to proselyte in the graveyards. On that day, families go to the cemeteries to honor those family members that have passed on. So they pack up food/tents/etc. and spend the day on top of the grave of their deceased family members. Sister Luke and I were a little hesitant at first, because how do you just walk up to people as they're sitting on a gravestone, but I'm pretty sure we probably handed out at least 15 lesson two pamphlets about the Plan of Salvation. And we were fed at least four meals from random families we talked to. I've never been so full in my life. But it was definitely a fun experience.

On Saturday, Elder Anderson came! It was definitely an exciting meeting. And even though we were one of the last ones to walk in, they squeezed us into the front row! We got to shake their hands, and I definitely made eye contact with Elder Anderson several times and he would smile. The whole mission was there, all 234 of us. Both Elder Anderson spoke and Elder Clayton, focusing on missionary work and the Atonement. If there's one thing I learned from them and from President Nielsen visiting us last month, is how connected the Atonement is to missionary work. There's so much I have learned about Christ and the Atonement the past couple months on the mission, and I know that there's still so much I have yet to comprehend or maybe never will fully understand. But this much I do know, that Christ is there to help through every aspect of our life. Whether it's to be cleansed through the redeeming power, or be comforted during trials, or to be strengthened through his enabling power as we try to become more like our Savior. Often I feel unprepared or incapable of doing something, especially as I'm training and still learning the language myself, but then I realize that my trust and confidence shouldn't be in myself, but in Christ. Because when you put your faith and trust in him, it's easy to continue, because of course He's able to do everything, and of course he'll help me accomplish what he would do if he was here.

We've seen some progress in a lot of our investigators this past week. I never know what stories to tell you because it seems like they come and go every week, but we found a new family that we've taught twice this past week, and Sister Luke and I are really excited to continue to teach and see what might come of it. In other news, we taught J, the 13 yr-old we've been teaching for a while now. She is one of the sweetest girls I know and one the first investigators  where I've truly seen her become converted to the gospel. She has a testimony already that is so strong of the Book of Mormon and has that desire to be baptized. But the sad news is that this past week, she told us that her dad and grandma said before we ever started teaching her, that we can teach her and she can go to church, but that she can't be baptized. So that was our sad news this past week, but we're not losing hope. We taught about Heavenly Father preparing a way, and I know that as her testimony grows, and as her family sees her desire, that their hearts will be softened and eventually she'll be able to be baptized.

I love you all! And I received my Christmas package in the mail this past week.... do I really have to wait for Christmas? or is this just a Halloween/Thanksgiving present and you're sending another package for Christmas? :)

Anyways, thank you for all your support and love and prayers.


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