Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013

Maayong Aga liwat!

It's been another good week, but also heartbreaking at the same time. On Tuesday morning D texted us about Sister Bendoy's family and it truly is heartbreaking. During our whole companionship study, I was a teary mess. But from what I've heard from D, Sister Bendoy is doing great. It doesn't surprise me because she's such a strong person. She also told us that Sister Manwaring's sister, who was Sister Bendoy's trainee before me, started a fundraiser for her and her siblings. That's amazing, especially when they raised $5,000 within 24 hours! I know she must be so grateful. We also have about 20ish missionaries who joined us from Tacloban! There's one in our district that we met this past week, and supposedly one or two more in our zone. It's also especially exciting because Sister Maleatoa is in our mission now. She was the companion that joined Sister Young and I for a week in the MTC because she had to stay for surgery. 

Overall though, our week was good! Missionary work is continuing to move forward, and I love it more than ever. Our time as a missionary truly is precious and  I want to take advantage of the limited time we have. But I feel like it's going by so fast... especially because this past week was my five months mark! Where has the time gone?! I love the Philippines and feel so blessed to have been assigned here. It truly is an amazing place.

Transfers are next week so this might be our last week with Sister Luke and I together :( I don't want to be transferred but I've been in the area a while now and President likes to switch trainers after six weeks... but we're hoping I'm staying. Especially because the four of us in our apartment want to be together for Christmas. 

Overview of the week:
1. We're continue to teach our investigator T. He's our last appointment most nights, literally the highlight of our day. Every time we come, he's waiting for us and reading the Book of Mormon. He's preparing for his baptism on Christmas and he truly has been prepared by the Lord to accept the gospel.  Every time we visit, you can just see the light of Christ in his eyes. 
2. We had our first English class this past weekend! The Elders taught the older kids, and we took the younger kids... it was a little iffy at first, but it turned out be a really fun experience and hopefully the kids had fun too.
3. We came home one night to six cockroaches in our apartment. SIX! I can deal with spiders, etc. but cockroaches are the nastiest insects. Sister Luke and I literally spent twenty minutes trying to kill all of them... and it doesn't help they have ten lives. We trapped one in the sink, and it still wasn't dead after having the faucet pour on it for five minutes. But, we survived. Before we moved in, they sprayed something that kills all of them during the night. I don't know how it works, but by morning, they're all on their back dead. We're now starting to collect them underneath the stairs.. we're up to five.
4. I'm now obsessed with Buko shakes. I don't know how to make them, or what even Buko is, but you should try making them at home. they're delicious.

I feel like nothing especially exciting happened this past week to tell you... but do know that I'm happy and loving the mission. Thank you so much for your prayers and support and letters each week. I truly appreciate them. I love you all.
Anyways, I love you all! 
Sister Fitzgerald

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