Monday, July 1, 2013

June 27, 2013

Tatay & Nanay,
I love the MTC and am so grateful I decided to go on a mission! So much has happened since last Wednesday it's hard to think of things to tell you. My district consists of six sister companionships and one set of Elders. Completely the opposite situation than what it would have been a year ago. The sisters in my district are all amazing, and the elders thrive being the only males in the room other than our teacher. My companion is Sister Young from Arizona and she's a sweetheart. We get along really well and she has such a strong spirit. There's six of us to a room which is kind of cramped, but it's still pretty fun. Pretty much it's like I'm living back in the dorms all over again.
The language is coming along, I can bear my testimony, pray, and make simple conversation in Illongo which is crazy considering last week at this time I didn't know a single word. This past week we taught our first "investigator," Cherry Mae, who is actually just a teacher here at the MTC. But yesterday during our lesson, she accepted our invitation to be baptized! I think it was partly because we failed at trying to answer one of her questions with our broken illongish, and she felt bad as we sat there trying to think of words that we knew so we could answer her.
This past week was kind of different than usual since all the mission presidents were here. We weren't allowed into the main building that included the cafeteria, so all our meals were served in the gym. And we were hoping to have an apostle speak at our Tuesday devotional, but the MTC decided to have separate devotionals. Instead, Janice Kapp Perry gave the devotional and it was amazing. She's the composer of all the best primary and church songs like A Child's Prayer, I love to see the Temple, As Sisters in Zion, etc. Recently she wrote new words to As Sisters in Zion and they are absolutely beautiful. Go look them up. I can't sing it without tearing up. Did you guys love the Sunday broadcast?! Ends up you both were right, and that they want members to be more involved with missionary work. I think it's exciting to think of what the results could be. What's strange is that I think back to a week ago when I was afraid to mention anything about the gospel to anyone, to now when I'm more than excited to go and share it with everyone. What they said about acting in faith and love I think is so profound. Because that's really what missionary work is, having the love for others to want them to have the knowledge that we do, and having the faith that they will accept the gospel.
I've never felt the spirit so strongly than here at the MTC. You can't help but feel the love and comfort from Heavenly Father as we all struggle to learn and grow. It's easy to become discouraged, especially when you can't say what you want in Illongo and you keep forgetting words that you've studied repeatedly. But I know that if I rely on the Lord and study diligently, that he will bless me because of my efforts.
I've seen so many sisters that I know from BYU! Several from freshman year, and from the Elms this past year. The MTC is just filled with sisters, and I think it's so exciting that so many of us accepted the call to serve the Lord. Robyn sent me a package this week full of goodies and my district absolutely loved it! I'm running out of time but please know that I'm suriving and doing well. I'm so grateful that I had the courage to serve a mission. I have learned so much already. Today we're going to the temple which might be our only chance since it will be closed all of July. One of the girls in our district hasn't been yet so we get to go through the session with her! Thanks so much for all of the letters! It's always exciting to receive them! I love you all!
Sister Fitzgerald

On Her Way!!
Picture With the Family Before Entering the MTC

Last Night at Home Right Before Getting
 Set Apart as a  Missionary

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