Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 18, 2014


So... it's going to be another busy week. We thought that after finishing MPT's this past week, it would settle down for a while... our mistake! We had a meeting this morning with President Lopez and we planned out the month of June. (I don't think I would ever be able to be a mission president's wife.... I don't know how they do this for three years!) But this week, we have the departing batch, arriving batch, and transfers! And the Rasmussen couple is still out of town until Sunday so we're busy and stressed, but President says that is what makes it exciting haha. But we'll survive! It throws things off a little bit, but that's okay, for example it's already 2 in the afternoon and we just started emailing. But even though we're busy, we still have time to proselyte. Last week, we were able to proselyte at nighttime, and we had all weekend, and even this week with everything happening, it shouldn't affect our proselyting time too much.
I'm running out of time, but I hope you know that I love missionary work. It truly is the most rewarding work here on the earth. Yesterday, our ward mission leader came and worked with us in one of our areas. He's around 50, separated from his wife, has two ysa-aged kids, and was baptized about 5 years ago. He's the only member is his family, but for the past year has been called as the ward mission leader. But he called us "angels" and how's he so grateful that we have missionaries who are serving. He told the story of how last year, he was starting to go less active, hadn't been to church in three months, but then the Neff couple (couple missionaries who are old, i think Elder Neff is 70) who doesn't speak any Hiiligaynon, and travels everywhere by jeepney, came and visited him at his house. He said how that changed everything. They only visited twice, but he said they are the reason why he came back. He calls the missionaries angels because they share the good news of the gospel. But it's not just missionaries who have the power to be angels to others, all of us as members have that opportunity. Helping others find that light that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most rewarding thing I've done. I love it.

I'm sorry, out of time!
I love you all!
Hopefully next week we'll be back to a somewhat normal schedule and I'll have more time.

halong kamo!
s. fitzgerald

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